JASTIP WP2 シンポジウム “STI for Sustainable Development Goals: How can we transfer the ASEAN-Japan collaboration research outcomes in Bioenergy field?”


科学技術の発展とその成果の社会実装が、社会の持続的発展のために必須であり、持続可能なエネルギーシステムの確立は、SDGsのGoal 7として取り上げられているように現実の社会に重要である。しかしながら、研究開発の成果を社会貢献に結実させる道筋を明確に描いている研究組織は多いとは言い難い。更に、社会実装が急がれるASEANにおいて、SATREPSやe-Asiaに代表される日―ASEANの協働プログラムへの期待は大きく、プログラム間、それぞれの実施プロジェクトの連携により、更なる効果が見込まれている。

このような状況の下、日-ASEAN共同研究のプラットフォームであるJASTIPでは、特にバイオエネルギー分野における日―ASEAN共同研究の成果の社会貢献(実装)に焦点を当てたシンポジウムを、Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE)が開催する、Sustainable Energy and Environment Conference (SEE2018)の3日目に、パラレル枠にて本シンポジウムを開催する。





Chatrium Hotel Riverside Bangkok


8.00-9.00 On-site Registration

9.00-10.30 PLENARY KEYNOTE SESSION at Chatrium Ballroom Chairpersons: Dr. Suneerat Fukuda and Prof. Hideaki Ohgaki

9.00-9.30 “Renewable Energy-Mineral Nexus: Resource Availability” Prof. Keiichi Ishihara, Kyoto University, Japan

9.30-10.00 “E-Waste Management Practices towards SDGs in SEA (tbc)” Dr. Mushtaq Memon, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Thailand

10.00-10.30 “Using Life Cycle Thinking to Promote Sustainability in Emerging Economies” Prof. Shabbir H. Gheewala, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand

10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11.00-15.00 Mini-Symposium on “STI for Sustainable Development Goals: How can we transfer the ASEAN-Japan collaboration research outcomes in Bioenergy field

11:00 – 11:05 Introduction and Aims of the Symposium Prof. H.Ohgaki (JASTIP WP-2)

11:05 – 11:15 International Collaboration Program for STI for SDGs in JST Mr. M. Sato (JST Singapore)

11:15 – 11:40 Biofuel Policy in Thailand (tentative) Dr. Sumittra Charojrochkul (NSTDA)

11:40 – 12:05 Report from e-Asia 1 “Development of Functional Nanocarbon-Based Catalysts for Biomass Conversion Processes” Prof. A. Quitain (Kumamoto University)

12:05 – 12:30 Report from e-Asia 2 “Feasibility Study on Social Implementation of Bioenergy in East Asia” Prof. Nishijima (Waseda University)

12:30– 13:30 LUNCH Break

13:30 – 13:55 Report from SATREPS 1 “Development of Clean and Efficient Utilization of Low Rank Coals and Biomass by Solvent Treatment” Prof. K. Miura (Kyoto University)

13:55 – 14:20 Report from SATREPS 2 “Development of a Model System for Fluidized Bed Catalytic Gasification of Biomass Wastes and Following Liquid Fuel Production in Indonesia” Prof. R. Noda (Gumma University)

14:20 – 14:45 Report from SATREPS 3 “The Production and Utilization of High Quality and Cheap Biodiesel Fuel from Biomass Waste in Asian Countries” Prof. Maeda (Osaka Pref, Univ.)

14:45 – 15:00 Wrap up

15.00 - 16.00 PAPER AWARD AND CLOSING CEREMONY at Chatrium Ballroom