Four common agenda items in shaping new horizons for Japan-ASEAN science and technology cooperation towards the SDGs


On 16 January 2018, Kyoto University organized a roundtable discussion on the theme of “Shaping New Horizons for Japan-ASEAN Science and Technology Cooperation towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting provided an opportunity for its participants to exchange thoughts and ideas about Japan and ASEAN science, technology, and innovation (STI) collaboration for the SDGs, exploring ways in which stakeholders can collaborate to work towards them. In addition to Kyoto University, participants were invited from the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) in Thailand, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Indonesia, the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), and Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Brief Report: KyotoU_SDGs_Report2018

Diverse Approaches to Contributing to SDGs through STI Cooperation

The participants recognized four common agenda items in shaping new horizons for Japan-ASEAN science and technology cooperation towards the SDGs, summarizing them as the “Four ‘E’s”:

  1. Ensuring the diversity of STI research activities for the SDGs, including not only the promotion of applied research toward social implementation, but also the enrichment of curiosity-driven basic research on inclusive scientific issues based on the SDGs
  2. Endeavoring to pursue diverse approaches to social implementation of research output through STI cooperation with various stakeholders, such as community stakeholders, the private sector, NGOs, governments, and social scientists
    (Discussions included bridging the gap between STI activities and social implementation, social and economic analyses of outcomes, and the national R&D institution role as technical support provider to stakeholders.)
  3. Expanding the promotion of region-based collaborative research towards inclusive STI for the SDGs, rather than bilateral cooperation
  4. Educating the next generation of leaders about STI for the SDGs to promote Japan-ASEAN science and technology cooperation towards the SDGs


Related Link

Kyoto University HP: Provost Minato and NSTDA, LIPI, MJIIT representatives discuss STI cooperation for SDGs achievement (16 January 2018)