【JASTIP-News】 Head of Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency visits Japan


April 7, 2017, Mr. Nazir Foead, head of the Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency with a delegation from Indonesia visited Kyoto University to exchange of ideas with Japanese researchers including Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), and Hokkaido University, and Kyoto University.


All of four institutes (Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency, RIHN, and Hokkaido Univ, and Kyoto Univ.) already singed MOU for the fire prevention and restoration of peat swamps in Indonesia on August 10, 2016.


Related to the signing of MoU JASTIP held a Joint Workshop on “Utilization of Sago Ecosystem for Peatland Restoration” with Indonesian Institute of Sciences(LIPI), RIHN, Hokkaido Univ, and Kyoto Univ. and Japan Peatland Society (JPS) in Indonesia August 11 to 12, 2016. The Joint Workshop performance was aimed to promote activities of peatland restoration, by constructing some systems as: rewetting, reforestasion , fire prevention and building an monitoring reporting and verification. In reforestasion, aforestation and agro-forestation, sago palm (Metroxylon sagu) is one of key plant, because sago palm is 1) to require high water table, 2) to attained high productivity of sago starch and biomass after canopy established.


Now, JASTIP carry on the one of Peatland study named “Innovation Diffusion Strategy for Local Community in Peatlands Areas: A Case of Sei Tohor and Siak Riau Indonesia” , which is conducted by a team led by Prof. Bambang Subiyanto, vice chairman of LIPI.