JASTIP participated in ASEAN NEXT 2019

JASTIP took part in ASEAN Next 2019 (18-22 March 2019) organized by Thailand Ministry of Science and Technology.

In the opening event of ASEAN Next 2019 “ASEAN-Japan: STI Leading toward Community Happiness”, JASTIP Programme Coordinator presented “How Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) can be a platform to define Research Projects?” based on past three years experience of JASTIP. The presentation focused on the difference between science, technology, and innovation, and then following the discourse of Brian Arthur on pre, emphasized the importance of better scientific understanding of the natural phenomenon.

In the same sessin, there are other presentations by JST and Kyoto University ASEAN Center on “To Strengthen STI Collaboration in Education and Research Towards SDGs Goals Between Japan and ASEAN: Nurturing Research Administrators at Kyoto University and Beyond”.