JASTIP Update: e-ASIA project pre-meeting on “Integrated biorefinery of sugarcane trash”

JASTIP WP3 sub-leader Prof. Takashi Watanabe (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere: RISH) organized the preparatory meeting on a new international bioenergy project, which was successfully selected for the funding by the e-ASIA JRP board. On 3rd of February 2019, representatives from the four participating countries gathered in Bangkok.

Integrated biorefinery of sugarcane trash” will be implemented jointly by research members from Kyoto University RISH, Graduate School of Energy Science, Institute of Advanced Energy, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and National University of Laos. This three-year project aims to convert sugarcane trash to advanced biofuels and useful biochemical and to contribute to the sustainable development of local societies. During the pre-meeting, the core members kicked off the discussion about potential project members, financial issues, research plans, and legal compliance. The project officially commences on 1st April 2019.

This collaboration was firstly supported by JASIP-Net to expand the international collaborative research among ASEAN Member States with JASTIP so that this project exemplifies that JASTIP has steadily functioned as an “incubator” of collaboration among ASEAN and Japan since its inception. We have another good news that Development of algal bioenergy systems for green and sustainable ASEAN region” (Reseach leader Prof. Dr. Almand Quitain, Kumamoto University) stemmed from JASTIP-Net and got successfully funded by e-ASIA JRP.

Reference Link: https://www.jst.go.jp/pr/info/info1357/Appendix1.html