2nd JASTIP Bioresources and Biodiversity Lab Workshop
“Collaborative Bioresources and Biodiversity Studies for the ASEAN Region”
& Humanosphere Asia Research Node Workshop toward Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Bioresources
Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) organize this workshop to report the progress of research programs conducted by the member of Workpackage 3: Bioresources and Biodiversity Researches. The topics of the researches cover biodiversity and conservation studies, bioprospection in the ASEAN region, development of innovative technology for bioresources and its dissemination. The workshop will also discuss on the development of network of biodiversity and bioresource database and depository in ASEAN.
Since 2016, RISH started the new activities named “Humanosphere Asia Research Node (ARN)”. ARN integrates various facilities and human networks in ASEAN region and Japan for consolidating the international collaborative research on “Sustainable Humanosphere”. This workshop is planned to further strengthen the international network in biomass-related “Humanosphere Science”, in conjunction with the activities of JASTIP and SATREPS.
The workshop is open to the research community for participation.
Please register from the form below.
Guest speakers are from
National Science Technology Development Agency; Chulalongkorn University; Kagoshima University; Mulawarman University; National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo; Tokyo Metropolitan University; Kazusa DNA Res Inst.
Organized by
Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) |
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) |
Kyoto University |
Collaboraton with
National Science Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) |
Chulalongkorn University |
Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) |
Mamoru Kanzaki (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University)
Takashi Watanabe (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University)
Yukako Monda (JASTIP WP3, Kyoto University)
Momoko Kage (JASTIP WP3, Kyoto University)
Contact address: Yukako Monda monda.yukako.2m (AT) kyoto-u.ac.jp
Date and time
January 23 (Mon), 2017. 9:20-17:35
9:00- 9:20 Registration
9:20- 9:30 Opening Address
Mamoru Kanzaki (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Takashi Watanabe (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
9:30- 13:45 Bioresoueces Session
9:30-10:30 |
1. Bioprospection in Tropical Forest
“Chemical Modification of Natural Rubbers Collected in Indonesia and Thailand”
Yuumi Iga (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Hiroshi Kamitakahara
(Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Andria Agusta (Research Center for Biology, LIPI)
Wichan Eiadthong (Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart Univ.)
Toshiyuki Takano (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
“Conversion of lignin to Tannin-like polymer by demethylation”
Kaori Sawamura (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Yuki Tobimatsu (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Hiroshi Kamitakahara (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Toshiyuki Takano
(Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
“Bioactive Metabolites from
spp. collected in Indonesia”
Andria Agusta
(Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
Ahmad Fathoni (Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
Praptiwi (Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
Hiroshi Kamitakahara (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Toshiyuki Takano (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
“Bioactive Metabolites from
s collected in Indonesia and Thailand”
Dewi Wulansari
(Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
Marlin Raunsai (Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
Hiroshi Kamitakahara (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Wichan Eiadthong (Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart Univ.)
Toshiyuki Takano (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Andria Agusta (Research Center for Biology, LIPI )
10:30- 11:00 |
2. Forest bioresouces for sustainable society
“Diversity and Potential Energy of Pioneer Trees and Shrub Species from Tropical Forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia”
Rudianto Amirta
“Bioresource Utilization with Added Value Potential: Community Forest Based Products”
Irawan Wijaya Kusuma
11:00- 12:00 |
3. Biofuel, chemicals and biomaterials production from tropical bioresources
“Development of Integrated Process for Conversion of Sugarcane Trash to Bioethanol and Value-Added Chemicals”
Euis Hermiati
(Research Center for Biomaterials, LIPI)
“Integrated Biorefinery Research at BIOTEC and Development of Synergistic Enzyme Systems for Biomass Saccharification”
Verawat Champreda
“Exploration of Uncultured Microbial Bioresources for Searching New Lignocellulolytic Enzymes for Bio-industry”
Pattanop Kanokratana
“Functionalization of Lignin Isolated from Acacia mangium Black Liquor by Polymer Blending and Grafting”
Widya Fatriasari
(Research Center for Biomaterials, LIPI)
12:00- 13:00 Lunch
13:00- 13:45 Bioresoueces Session (continued)
13:00- 13:45 |
4. Bioremediation using tropical microbes
“Decolorization and Detoxification of Synthetics Dyes and PAHs by Tropical Fungi from Indonesia”
Dede Heri Yuli Yanto
(Research Center for Biomaterials, LIPI)
“Development of Enzymatic Reactor for Textile and Batik Industrial Wastewater Treatment”
Maulida Oktaviani
(Research Center for Biomaterials, LIPI)
“Novel Techniques for Immobilization of Laccase from Tropical Fungi and Its Application for Textile Dye Degradation”
Wichanee Bankeeree (Chulalongkorn Univ.) |
13:45- 14:45 Biodiversity Session
13:45- 14:45 |
“Genome Resource Bank Centre as the Backbone of Future Indonesian Wildlife”
Gono Semiadi
(Research Center for Biology, LIPI)
“Plant diversity of Kalimantan-Profiling and Mapping of habitat loss (Tentative)”
Ruliyana Susanti
(Research Center for Biology, LIPI)
“Conservation Genetics of Javanese Rafflesia -a First Insight on the Current Populations and Distributions-”
Yayan Wahyu C. Kusuma
(Bogor Botanical Gardens, LIPI)
Yuji Isagi (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University)
“Plant Diversity in the Tropical Rainforest in Tangkahan Area, Mt. Leuser National Park, North Sumatra”
Eiji Suzuki
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima Univ.)
D. Kawahara (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima Univ.)
14:45- 15:15 Dissemination of Innovation Session
14:45- 15:15 |
“Innovation Needs Assessment for Empowering Local Community in Peatlands Conservation and Restoration: Case Study in Sei Tohor and Giam Siak, Indonesia”
Bambang Subiyanto
Manaek Simamora (Center for Innovation, LIPI)
Yohannes Purwanto (Center for Innovation, LIPI)
Aris Yaman (Center for Innovation, LIPI)
Feriyanto (Center for Innovation, LIPI)
“Innovation Diffusion Strategy to Enhance the Role of Local Community in Restoration and Sustainable Use of Peatland: A Case of JASTIP in Indonesia and the Way Forward”
Manaek Simamora
(Center for Innovation, LIPI)
15:15- 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45- 17:30 Special Session
15:45- 16:15 |
1. Biodiversity Bioresoueces Data Base and Depository
“Introduction to GBIF and Its Activity in Asia”
Tsuyoshi Hosoya
(National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo)
“Long-term Reproductive Phenology and Flora of Dipterocarps”
Shinya Numata
(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Tetsuro Hosaka (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
16:15- 16:30 |
2.Collaboration with Industry
“How Can We Build Japanese Style Wooden House in Indonesia?”
Yoshihisa Fujii
(Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Katsunori Gokan (Nice Corporation)
16:30- 17:30 |
3. SATREPS: Production of Biomass Energy and Material -through Revegetation of Deteriorated Grass Fields-
Outline of the SATREPS Project between Kyoto Univ. and LIPI
“Producing Biomass Energy and Material through Revegetation of Alang-alang (
Imperata cylindrical
Toshiaki Umezawa
(Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
“Metabarcoding Analysis for Soil Microorganisms by Using NGS Technology: Developing a Soil Diagnosis Tool for Marginal Lands and Tropical Forests”
Shigeru Hanano
Masaru Kobayashi (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
I Nyoman Sumerta (Research Center for Biology, LIPI)
Hideki Hirakawa (Kazusa DNA Res Inst.)
Nozomu Sakurai (Kazusa DNA Res Inst.)
Daisuke Shibata (Kazusa DNA Res Inst., Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
“The Search for Gene Expression Biomarkers for Early Prediction of Nutrient Deficiency in
Masaru Kobayashi
(Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ.)
Shigeru Hanano (Kazusa DNA Research Inst.)
Nozomu Sakurai (Kazusa DNA Research Inst.)
Daisuke Shibata (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ., Kazusa DNA Research Inst.)
“Molecular Breeding of Grass Biomass Plants for Sustainable Biomass Production and Utilization”
Toshiaki Umezawa
(Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ., Research Unit for Global Sustainability Studies, Kyoto Univ.)
Yuki Tobimatsu (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Shiro Suzuki (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Masaomi Yamamura (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Takuji Miyamoto (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Rie Takada (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Satya Nugroho (Research Centre for Biotechnology, LIPI)
“Development of Sustainable Particleboard Using Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid”
Kenji Umemura
(Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Sukma S. Kusumah (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ., Research Centre for Biomaterial, LIPI)
Kozo Kanayama (Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)
Wahyuni (Research Center for Biotechnology, LIPI),
Helmant Hendra (Bogor Botanical Gardens, LIPI),
17:30- 17:35 Closing Address
Takashi Watanabe
(Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto Univ.)